Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mountain Bluebird Yarn

I've been spinning up lots of yarn lately, yay!  My annual visit to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival always gets my spinning juices flowing again (read - spinning up my stash so I dont feel guilty about buying more at the festival).  Then I took an art yarn class, and then there was that yarn naming contest at While Tangerine Dreams:  If I were a skein of art yarn, what would I be called? Mountain bluebird (of course), a variegated skein of blue yarn with scrappy nesty earthy bits of this and that. But what would mountain bluebird yarn really look like?  That got me thinking. I stood in my craft studio and looked around at all of my favorite craft materials: recycled cashmere, vintage fabric, vintage ribbon, recycled sweater yarn, roving in every shade of blue, mohair locks, scraps of turquoise shredded silk and more. My creative light bulb flickered, why not spin all of these things together into one yarn?
And so it was spun: Mountain Bluebird Yarn.

1 comment:

  1. So gorgeous!! It totally reminds of a woodland blue bird. We have Stellar's Jays here and that one photo looks like one lurking in the trees ;) Beautiful work. Gorgeous blog you have here too btw! xo
