Friday, December 3, 2010

On the Ten Month Old

He has two teeth.
He smiles and laughs a lot.
His favorite foods are apples, bananas, and cottage cheese.
He loves running around my office in his walker.

When asked "how big is Samson?", he raises one, and sometimes two hands in the air.
He can give high five and play peek a boo.
He has just learned to dance.
He is

He can clap - but only in very slow motion.
He still sleeps in our bed.
He says "eh" (to communicate everything) and sometimes says "beh".

He can sign "milk", although now he just tries to help himself by pulling down my shirt.
He likes playing with my cell phone and I may have seen him put it to his ear yesterday.
He likes books and especially likes bedtime stories with daddy.

He loves to crawl around with Winston's dog bones in his mouth.
He continues to amaze me every single day.
He's still the sweetest, happiest, most spectacular person I have ever known.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, he's too cute but the picture of him in the Gnome get up just about made me pee my pants! What a sweet boy. Hey, I'm an aquarian homebirth too btw :)
